Roaring waters

Roaring waters

A Poem by Dreamer

Resonating mistakes in the darkness of regret.

Imprints lingering as the journey progresses,

Glowing red for sightless voyagers



Pushing passed preconceived notions

Heads that were tilted up, gazing at clear skies with clouded ideas

Now searching through the nightfall

Dense greenery telling secrets and horrific tales


The imprints no longer set in                   

Desperate forms anticipating at the peak of the cliff

Soil particles tumbling down rocky slopes

The ending chances on some

Those gently coming to an end, a peaceful story of exhausted bodies inches separating them from perdition

The roaring sea of dirty waters rising up… charging with furious force

Daring to exude the peril of its existence

Yet holding strain where the choice has not been made.




© 2013 Dreamer

Author's Note

i could do a better job but hey... this is wht i have for now.

My Review

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Such a beautiful piece. It flowed wonderfully. Great job!

Posted 9 Years Ago

I think you have written a very deep poem that is thought provoking.

Posted 10 Years Ago

"Daring to exude the peril of its existence
Yet holding strain where the choice has not been made."
I like the strong description leading to the good closing of the poem. The darkness of regret can leave us to dangerous and lonely places. Thank you for the excellent poetry.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on November 4, 2013
Last Updated on November 7, 2013



Private, Trinidad and Tobago

guys pleaseeeeeeee send me a message introducing yourselves and pleaseeeee send me a message if you want me to read something. Im really trying to keep up with those Read Request okay. thankss :) more..

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