The Gaming Michael

The Gaming Michael

A Story by Michael Reisman

Pamela was in the gaming mood. She drove around still not knowing what she wanted to play. Then she saw a bowling alley and pulled into their parking lot. Just before entering, Pamela noticed a pool hall across the street. A sudden change of mind had her walking in that direction. It was a decision that would ultimately change her future. One table was left as Perry noticed her walk in. He also was waiting to play. "Eight ball ok with you"? he asked. "That's perfect", she replied. The two strangers got to know each other in between shots as a mutual attraction began to develop. He also decided to go bowling but had a change of mind at the last minute. Strange how they both met this way. It was on their honeymoon two years later that there was a choice between bowling and shooting pool. They both laughed out loud and remembered a fork in the road not too long ago how a last minute decision had them get together. Case in point in a short love story between Pamela and Perry, where it all happened on a choice of the gaming mood....

© 2015 Michael Reisman

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That was cool, liked how short it was, kind of makes you think about that particular "fork" in your road of life.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Michael Reisman

8 Years Ago

Glad you enjoyed it my friend!
Surprised at short length of story. Had good opening for character engagement . Would liked to seen more description. looking forward to reading more of your work. Richie B.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Michael Reisman

8 Years Ago

Thanks for enjoying it. See my 19 books of short stories at

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2 Reviews
Added on December 5, 2015
Last Updated on December 5, 2015


Michael Reisman
Michael Reisman

Eastchester, NY

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