

A Poem by Saint No-One

I am a product,

Yes, A product.

Pretty, color, gloss packaging.


Swish and swagger,

Special review pressing,

Signed, sealed,

Pay-no-more-than-five-dollars stamp

On my cover.


I am re-sealed,


Corrugated cool,


A synthesis of style

And sensibilities not my own.

A myopic muddle of metaphors,

Meticulously swindled.


I am television reruns.

Jokes you've heard before.

Hang me on the neon cross of your idols,

Crucify me before your media gods.


Run me through an electro-encephalogram,

Simply to read a mile long reference sheet.


I am your four-chord repetition.

I am your legion of rabid, screaming,

Fifteen year old, stalker fans.


I am your lyrical vomit.

I am a prophet.

Of prophesy, prophesied before.


I am a product.

My packaging is bright, and neon and clean.


I am a product.

I am soul-less.

I am your American Dream.

© 2013 Saint No-One

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This was beautiful. The words are still flowing through my mind.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Well done. There are good examples of consumerism throughout which make it interesting. You have a good style.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on August 18, 2013
Last Updated on August 18, 2013
Tags: product, comecialism, consumerism, america, capitalist


Saint No-One
Saint No-One

Madera, CA

I am an artist, but my mind doesn't work the way I want it to. One day I'll be, washing myself with handsoap in a public bathroom, thinking how did I get here? Where the hell am I? more..

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A Poem by Saint No-One