Tags : mental%20health

Saying Goodbye Isn't Easy

Saying Goodbye Isn't Easy

A Poem by Efrain

I actually did write this at around 1:30 in the morning. I wrote this for an old friend of mine, who I miss and didn't get to say goodbye to.
Carbon Monoxide

Carbon Monoxide

A Poem by Rachel King

You Too

You Too

A Book by Adeline Gordon

At ten years old, if someone had told me the next decade of my life would be spent in a civil war against my own mind, I wouldn't have understood. Wh..
The truth

The truth

A Poem by Zee Norton-Williams

Don't hide this from anyone. You should tell them the truth everyone! It's not a game it's real and it takes so many lives, and has almost taken mine..
Depression is...

Depression is...

A Poem by ashkat

The sumptuous perfume of baking bread taunting with the truth that you will never taste. The playful warmth of a sunny day that will only ever scald ..
Walking nowhere.

Walking nowhere.

A Poem by Sir Psychosis

A Poem about what life can be like with ADHD and a myriad of Co-morbids
Weighed down.

Weighed down.

A Poem by Sir Psychosis

A poem about how it feels to live with Mental health Problems and Learning difficulties of constantly explaining oneself.
The Harm

The Harm

A Poem by Reeling and Writhing

I get told so often that I'm stupid for not believing that I'm worth it. I feel it should be explained why I think so.


A Poem by Sir Psychosis

This one is pretty self explanatory really. Lol. It's about Living with ADHD. Enjoy
The Ashes

The Ashes

A Book by Mariam

A 14 year old girl who was kicked out of her house. The Ashes is about how she adjusts to her knew life and how she moves on.
He's Not Yours

He's Not Yours

A Poem by gabiaimee

He's Not Yours
Storm Surge

Storm Surge

A Poem by gabiaimee

Storm Surge
Tonight I Cried

Tonight I Cried

A Poem by Con Campbell

Tonight I criedOur experiences place burdens on us. We all walk similar paths, so why do we feel so alone?The poem concludes on an unfinished line. Th..
Thank you

Thank you

A Poem by Fairieswithscales

“I don’t want to swim the ocean I don’t want to fight the tide I don’t want to swim forever When it’s cold I’d ..


A Story by Fairieswithscales

Work in progress
One Flew East, One Flew West

One Flew East, One Flew West

A Story by R.Guy Behringer

A fan fiction at it's shortest.