Tags : relationships

As The Crow Flies

As The Crow Flies

A Book by Ashe

A girl bound in silence searches for the right things to say as she learns more about the person closest to her as they return to her hometown- and de..
In or Out.

In or Out.

A Poem by ayejodie

a girl who is unsure if she wants to stay in a fiery relationship, or does she want to jump into the unknown world of women.
Wildflowers and the Gossamer Lady (Working Title)

Wildflowers and the Gossamer Lady (Working Title)

A Story by Arron Steep

A woman is haunted by the repercussions of a mysterious encounter from her childhood. (A short story inspired by the fairy tell "The Elfin Grove" by ..
American Beach Romance

American Beach Romance

A Poem by Josie E. Cook M. A.

Escape and romantic evenings...
Something To Believe In

Something To Believe In

A Poem by Bohrium Guy

Just some of my reflections looking back on certain ones....
The Important Parts

The Important Parts

A Poem by TheWriterSean

After years of being told you're unlovable, how does that affect your viewpoint on relationships?


A Poem by Sanzabar

keeping up with everything u have, connections u have made, everything
Saving grace

Saving grace

A Poem by Scott Troy

You are a wave. Comfortable and at ease. I ride your coast an ease my mind. The many rocks that could mire our coast mean nothing to me. A sweet scent..
Opportunity For Exclusivity

Opportunity For Exclusivity

A Poem by Earl Schumacker

Love corrupted


A Poem by Scott Troy

The way you trace an outline on my back. A muttering of words. A concept of brevity and bare feelings. How I wish. How I stand on a cusp of di..
Tidal wave

Tidal wave

A Poem by Scott Troy

Orbit. Sink into me. A holistic remedy to a heart heavy with a firm resolve to disarray. We are more alike than you think. Bridges of apathy and..
The nation

The nation

A Poem by Scott Troy

A quartet of strings. Smile at me and behold a man. They bring it all together. Percussion. Strings. Melody... We are a symphony. We play..
This is love

This is love

A Poem by Scott Troy

Extraordinary. A word taken for granted. A love so brazen I cannot stand it. A myriad of metaphors. A simple plan like a plain wooden floor. ..
Monogamy of Adam & Eve

Monogamy of Adam & Eve

A Poem by Falanne Shanta

Relationships in today's society.
I Thought

I Thought

A Poem by AllenS



A Story by AllenS

Self evident surprises
Polka dot stockings and you

Polka dot stockings and you

A Poem by z.chéri

Same truths, same lies.