Dramatic Life

Dramatic Life

A Poem by Actress999

My nickname explains this completely.

You know, I find that I treat my life like one big musical.
When I want to speak to people, I looking the mirror and practice what I will say, and how may face will look when I say it.
When I look at my clothes, I see a different person in each shirt. The t-shirt for the athlete, the vest for the laid back student, the dress for the sweet social. I find that I act like what I am wearing.
I hear stories from my friends and imagine what they looked like, and how the "scene" played out. I come up with how they looked, what they said, and their facial expressions.
When I lay down to sleep at night, I imagine something crazy. An event that would never happen to me, and I plan it out and play it through my head until I get it perfect.
Then there's the simple times when I first walk into school. As soon as I take my first step through the doors, I have my character for the day. Will I be energetic? Relaxed? A troublemaker? It's all been thought through and rehearsed.
And after school, when I open the doors to the auditorium and see the empty stage, lights shining down and making it glow, I imagine myself up there, gazing over the audience, while they applaud. I can't help it.
I love it.

© 2010 Actress999

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Added on August 28, 2010
Last Updated on August 29, 2010
Tags: drama, life, dramatic, music



I'm an aspiring actress (as my nickname suggests), that loves to spend a lot of free time writing. I believe that every person has their own way of looking at life, but I happen to like writing my out.. more..

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