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Aastha Tyagi : Writing

Sweet Mangoes

Sweet Mangoes

A Story by Aastha Tyagi

This story is about the tradition of Sweet Mangoes that takes place every year in an isolated village of India


A Story by Aastha Tyagi

Love Is An Endless Trail For Passion.
Her Eternal Bliss

Her Eternal Bliss

A Story by Aastha Tyagi

This is a piece about the girl who realised that she might now have too long to live and decides to create her own world of eternal bliss where she ca..
Into the Darkness

Into the Darkness

A Story by Aastha Tyagi

This is a small piece of work that introduces a young school girl, Sophia in the setting of Domestic Violence at home and how she creates her own dark..
This Courage

This Courage

A Poem by Aastha Tyagi

Inspired by a song that is very close to my heart - Yeh Honsla - this is my attempt at translating it to English in the form of a poem. This poem is a..
Freedom In Me

Freedom In Me

A Poem by Aastha Tyagi

Coming from a conservative Indian background with little freedom for women and then living in the UK which is the complete opposite, this poem highlig..