All*son : Writing

Never Ending Pain

Never Ending Pain

A Poem by All*son

My stomach aches with fear. Afraid and indulge myself with booze and beer. Trying so hard to ignore it Tears fall leaving a noticable smear M..
Somethings come from you.

Somethings come from you.

A Story by All*son

I'm just completely in love with my best friends.
Boozin' Fight Night

Boozin\' Fight Night

A Poem by All*son

I realize the last session was a bit offWe where all under boozin’s control Laughing the sound of a drum roll.Sitting there for hours without a..
Sippin down these emotions

Sippin down these emotions

A Poem by All*son

#yiv223730598 .hmmessage P { margin:0px;padding:0px;} #yiv223730598 { font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} I sat there dazed somewher..
Unseen Beauty of the sea

Unseen Beauty of the sea

A Poem by All*son

Deep down beneath ocean green seas His fair mistress goes unrealized With each immaculate day She swims with simple lonely sighs With..