Vincent : Writing

birthday girl.

birthday girl.

A Poem by Vincent

whether it be dandelion, tulip or daisy, or rose; it doesn't matter how your day goes. I couldn't feel any better with you by my side. Whe..


A Poem by Vincent

wake up. no sun to shine, no laughter to share, no melancholy or euphoria to bear, you're all alone here. darkness fills the void of a differe..
may i?

may i?

A Poem by Vincent

may i speak one's name in the faith that i care for you, the faith that i stand by, forevermore. may i ask that you accept my offer of friendship, ..
another chance

another chance

A Poem by Vincent

what would you do if you had another chance? would you waste it away, or would you take it and dance? would you take it with silence as the noise of..

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