Morgan Ashire : Writing

Day of Vengeance

Day of Vengeance

A Poem by Morgan Ashire

Lyric for my old band, Godsendeath. Could also be classified as "Supernatural/Occult," or "Religious."
Heaven's Reign

Heaven\'s Reign

A Poem by Morgan Ashire

This poem is written in a dual perspective between that of demons and angels and an imminent second war in heaven. -Could be interchanged to either ..
Inner Demon

Inner Demon

A Poem by Morgan Ashire

This is a very personal poem for all, written to capture and understand the demon in us all.


A Poem by Morgan Ashire

This is my shout out to all of the people in this world who use others for personal gain, with no regard or respect for any form of life other than th..
Where Hell Resides

Where Hell Resides

A Poem by Morgan Ashire

A small taste of what one mind believes of hell.


A Poem by Morgan Ashire

This is a song about death. Could be interchanged with "Supernatural/Occult."


A Poem by Morgan Ashire

Lyric for my old band, Godsendeath, but also one of my favorite works. Could be interchanged with "Supernatural/Occult," and "Religious."
Ride to War

Ride to War

A Poem by Morgan Ashire

Could also, like most of my work, be classified under "Supernatural/Occult," and "Religious." Make of it as you will.
Slaughter by Angels

Slaughter by Angels

A Poem by Morgan Ashire

My first piece of writing that I was ever proud of. Based on The Book of Revelation in the Holy Bible, but take it as you will.

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