Jessi : Writing

Fear of Being Alone

Fear of Being Alone

A Chapter by Jessi

a-lone/ Adjective & adverb; alone; adverb; 1. having no one else present; on one's own.Do you ever feel so alone that you simply shut the rest of ..
Forgotten Pain

Forgotten Pain

A Chapter by Jessi

for-got-ten/ past participle of forgetIt had taken nearly an hour just to reach where Emma had so persistently wanted to take me. She didn't just take..


A Chapter by Jessi

si-lence/ noun/ 1. complete absence of sound."Tyler..."I woke up to a faint whisper, sending instant chills up my spine. My eyes still heavy from exha..


A Chapter by Jessi

trag·e·dy noun - an event causing great suffering, destruction, and distress, such as a serious accident, crime, or natural catastrophe...


A Book by Jessi

16 year old Tyler Vause never imagined how much one parent-forced move could change his life forever. In his new lakeside Victorian house he will disc..