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Tallahassee, FL
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About Me

I'm 19 and I Love to write and never lose anything I write. I'm Half Italian & German and live in Florida of the U.S.
I went to Ida Baker high school and now attend Florida State University. GO NOLES!!!! My favorite things are History, Mythology, and Archaeology. I plan on being an actor which would be a dream come true! I WONT GIVE UP! Spartans, Romans, Greeks and Egyptians are some of my favorite people from history ever! I want to learn all about their culture and I would love to envision the things that these people saw in their life!
If You want to get a hold of me you can contact me here or if you wish Facebook!

Oh Yea One of my favorite sports is Tennis, I'll play against anyone!!! lol I played Varsity Tennis for my school 2 years and received a Varsity letter.

If your wondering my display name on here used to be "Bringer of Peace"

United Writing

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Posted 14 Years Ago

I like it a lot already. ^^ Everyone is so nice.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Thank you so much for the add! ;D

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Christmas Myspace Comments
Christmas Myspace Comments | Online Mall

Buon Natale ed un anno nuovo Felice!!!

Amare sempre,
-Aurelia Mirella

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Aww lucky! I wish I had a four day weekend coming up soon. No fair :p

I was playing soccer and tore my ACL and my PCL. I was sheilding the ball from a girl, and she couldn't get to it. So in annoyance she pushed me and half of my leg went one way while the other was still planted. There was a pop and all that fun stuff. Haha but I'm doing so so much better now! : D I should be able to run soon! Yay!


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Oh my! It has been awhile since I talked to you.

I've been doing okay I guess. I tore two ligments in my knee and had surgery on it like a month and half ago. :/ no fun ha but I'm doing much better. :D

How have you been?! Hopefully good. :]

Talk to you soon!


**oh and btw..I really REALLY enjoyed your centaur story. Good job. :]

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Haha, don't worry about it Victor. My time on the computer is limited so late replys are perfect. lol.

The U.S. was amazing. I had a wonderful time! I'm even considering moving there, but I'm not 100% sure.

-Aurelia Mirella

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Posted 16 Years Ago


Haha I've been wonderful! Thanks for asking. :] Yourself?

I've been in America for a while and I just got back home. So I'm really happy to back in my own country, but I'll miss all the wonderful people I've met.

-Aurelia Mirella

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Posted 16 Years Ago

no 55 is to cold for this time of year. i'm mad at tthe weather. i've got a few stuff, but i'm not ready to share any of it. not completely satisfied yet. hows the group going? got tons of members?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

i would have thought that it was boiling hot in FL but i guess not. actually its cold right now, its only like 55 degrees or so which is unusual fro this time of year. how's your writing going? written anything new?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

nothing much. i sprained somehting in my foot two days ago, i'm going to the doc tomorrow. been hoping all over my house or having ppl get me stuff. i feel liks a lazy bum. schools finally out. going on a family reunion for a week soon, should be nice and akward meeting ppl i hardly know. how's FL? i tell u i don't envy you right now, FL must be crazy hot! how you've been?