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The Devil's Den

The Devil's Den

A Poem by Mary

Side Effects Side Effects

A Poem by Mary

The Difference The Difference

A Poem by Mary

Vacant 2 Vacant 2

A Poem by Mary

Vacant Vacant

A Poem by Mary

Dissociation Dissociation

A Poem by Mary

Journal Entry 2 Journal Entry 2

A Poem by Mary

Naked Naked

A Poem by Mary

Calling Calling

A Poem by Mary

About Me

Much of my poetry is about addiction. It played a huge, if not the only, role for many years of my life. I'm now a recovering addict, clean for over a year. I'm also recovering from self-mutilation, which I have come to recognize as part and parcel of the disease I have.
It's mostly those, and things like those, that inspire me to write poetry, although sometimes other things do, too. Poetry has been my saving grace more than once; if I couldn't write I might not be here today. That's a big thing to say, but it's true.
I welcome constructive criticism, I want to get better, not have my a*s kissed. (That wasn't meant to be inflammatory or egotistical, even if it came across that way.) Although compliments are always welcome, too!


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Give thou thine heart to the wild magic,
To the Lord and the Lady of Nature,
Beyond any consideration of this world.

Do not covet large or small,
Do not despise weakling or poor,
Semblance of evil allow not near thee,
Never give nor earn thou shame.

The Ancient Harmonies are given thee,
Understand them early and prove,
Be one with the power of the elements,
Put behind thee dishonour and lies.

Be loyal to the Lord of the Wild Wood,
Be true to the Lady of the Stars,
Be true to thine own self besides,
True to the magic of Nature above all else.

Do not thou curse anyone,
Lest thou threefold cursed shouldst be,
And shouldst thou travel ocean and earth,
Follow the very step of the ancient trackways.

- ancient celtic oral tradition