Bubbles of anger vibrateViolently, erratically.I am impatiently anxiousFor the words to plungeFrom your mouth andLeap from your tongue.To reach out an..
A wickedness fills meI can sense it grow beyond meMy control, my willA demon possesses meTrival affairs infuriate meNeedless, ridiculousAn anger so st..
Tears swell up as memories flashMother and daughterPlaying togetherThen all the memories crash
There are smiles to be rememberedA lifetime of lies ..
Too much, too fastAnd more to bother me by morningI envy their laughter, giddy and freeFly away with the afternoon sunMelt into misty dusk dew
Why will the wordsWhen no one hears their beatA beat of a thousand drumsPandemoneum in my head
Communication is a barriorA wall which won't come ..
A small light streaks across your floorA room too small for comfortA secret too big to hideToo vast to hold
Echo my sweet, your sinister pastFor ..
If only I could bleed, or sleep!A poet once wroteHow peaceful and serene it would be
So cool and silken the world they seeBut lingering demons ta..
I didn't know I would reactNot the first filling visitAnd with what felt like eightCarefully covered handsBusy tugging, stretching,Sucking, wiping,Con..
Four walls and a ceilingNothing more to meBare slabs and a red floorNothing more, nothing more.I've spent hours over daysGrounded to my room for weeks..