DavidRyanM : Writing

Fighting Follicles

Fighting Follicles

A Chapter by DavidRyanM

"Be yourself," she said. "I am," I replied. "No. Be yourself," she insisted. "I am," I replied. "Do you stand in the middle of your room with your arm..
Day Dreaming

Day Dreaming

A Chapter by DavidRyanM

She told me how she spent the previous night not being able to sleep; just staring at the ceiling. I imagined her lying there, awake, while her boyfri..


A Chapter by DavidRyanM

The city proved to be too much for him sometimes. So, on his days off, he would escape to the countryside to be alone with his thoughts. His goal was ..
Fog Rolling In

Fog Rolling In

A Chapter by DavidRyanM

It's mornings like these when I think about how old this land really is.Sometimes I feel the touch of ghosts from the pastreaching out to me,and other..
6:00 A.M.

6:00 A.M.

A Chapter by DavidRyanM

I watched as dark clouds swallowed the sky and sun.I thought it was the end of the world and I was excitedto be a part of it; I was nine.I'm twenty-fi..


A Chapter by DavidRyanM

Up in the loft there's a ship wheel. I spend my evenings getting drunkon old literature and try to steer this house back to somethingthat resembles ho..
Forceful Entries

Forceful Entries

A Chapter by DavidRyanM

Hearing people talking to one another,especially when all I want to do is sleep,makes me long for a time when we all justspeak with our hands.
Doctor's Appt.

Doctor's Appt.

A Chapter by DavidRyanM

Harry Winslow was not the kind of man who would eat oranges on the beach,but in light of the recent phone call he received, he thought it was timeto d..


A Chapter by DavidRyanM

My car hit a patch of black ice. As I was spinning around,looking over the bridge - first out my driver's window and then outthe passenger's - I made ..
Non-Brand Name Shampoo

Non-Brand Name Shampoo

A Chapter by DavidRyanM

I was sitting at the table, scratching my head. Flakesof dead skin littered the shoulders of my new shirt. I kept scratchinguntil I'd dug all the way ..