Douglas Levi Gribbins : Writing

Part Three: Truth

Part Three: Truth

A Chapter by Douglas Levi Gribbins

2182, Xavier was woken up, strapped to the same chair he was before, this time, the Professor hadn't introduced himself like before, as the scientists..
Part Four: The Finale

Part Four: The Finale

A Chapter by Douglas Levi Gribbins

The year is 2189, Xavier is woken up, with the Professor saying into the microphone "This is the last time you will be put to sleep, Shadow, It's abou..
My Darling

My Darling

A Poem by Douglas Levi Gribbins

I'm a victim of abuse, so this is how i vent.
Don't stop lovin' me.

Don't stop lovin' me.

A Poem by Douglas Levi Gribbins

Xavier and Douglas come together to make a song based on a woman who has controlled his life.
Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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A Poem by Douglas Levi Gribbins

When i broke into tears, i wrote this in my head.


A Poem by Douglas Levi Gribbins

The struggle, the push and pulls between a man, his dark side, and god.
Rage Against the Pen (Part 2)

Rage Against the Pen (Part 2)

A Poem by Douglas Levi Gribbins

Continuation of my past writing of the same name I reference my old songs here.
A life to remember

A life to remember

A Poem by Douglas Levi Gribbins

A song i thought of off the top of my head, and present it, to you.
No Surrender

No Surrender

A Poem by Douglas Levi Gribbins

I chat with my demons.