Jeremia : Writing

Count the cost

Count the cost

A Poem by Jeremia

Started 1-30-12 finished 11-3-12
Untitled cause I have no idea

Untitled cause I have no idea

A Poem by Jeremia

I have no idea where I was going with this or if I got there. Started long time ago, finished 11-3-12
Every step

Every step

A Poem by Jeremia

Lost in the sea of life

Lost in the sea of life

A Poem by Jeremia

9-18-12 Epic fail, I'm aware. Non the less, comments welcomed.
The Rubble

The Rubble

A Poem by Jeremia

written 7-14-2012
Destruction, but no longer

Destruction, but no longer

A Poem by Jeremia

I feel like more might be added to this. What are your thoughts? 5-31-12


A Poem by Jeremia

Something I threw together didn't really edit it, just left it how it came out. first stanza started 2~28~11 the rest finished 5~28~12.


A Poem by Jeremia

started 5-9-12 finished 5-25-12
No Movement

No Movement

A Poem by Jeremia

Another poem in which my opinion says sucks. I feel as though my mind wonders too much, that it makes my poems incoherent. Nonetheless, it is a poem (..
Hear Me

Hear Me

A Poem by Jeremia

Work in progress 11-12-11 Edited 11-17-11 Suggestions are begged for.