Hollace Kerr

Hollace Kerr


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About Me

I'm Hollace, eighteen years old, and a freshman in college. I have suffered from clinical depression and anxiety since I was a young child and used writing as a means of expressing and understanding myself and my illness. I stopped writing for a short period of time when I was about fifteen and recently ventured back into the art. I also enjoy creating visual art and enjoy painting, drawing, and dancing.
I hope to one day write a novel, but have a variety of topics to wade through before that could ever happen.
I'm double majoring in college (Pediatric Psychology and Behavioral Anaylsis) and double minoring (Studio Art and Education). I intend to pursue a doctorate degree in Psychology and become a practicing child psychologist.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Im a genius

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for the review. :-)



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Posted 17 Years Ago

*pop* haha...first comment!! Hey! Thanks for the good review! I look forward to reading your work! tigerr