Venus At Far

Venus At Far


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manila, National Capital Region, Philippines
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About Me

I've loved literature ever since I was a kid. It was a solace then. My childhood was spent mostly of playing, reading and reflecting after. Reading gladdens my soul. It is like I find a friend when reading. I fill my soul with the good things when reading and empties it when writing. It is both an adventure I need to find meaning. But now as I grow old, I try to find loyalty from people. I try to give loyalty to them and I expect them to do likewise. You can imagine what confusion takes place in me when I fail to achieve both. I have forgotten my love for writing. Well, I tried forgetting it. T'was b'cause I became afraid of my truth. I became afraid of finding pieces within me that are to be at odds with one another. I became afraid of being alone with my thoughts. I thought it was chaos in the stillness, in the depths of my soul. It was when I grew a little older that the chaos was in the outside. That whenever situations are hard to take, I just have to look within myself and I will find beauty. A lake. Calm. Serene. Reflecting the beauty that God has bestowed upon me. That pieces of me were made to fit perfectly and beautifully my whole being. I am fearfully and wonderfully made."