K.E. Strokez

K.E. Strokez


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Grand Rapids, MI, Kenya
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About Me

So you found us. This is awkward.

K.E. Strokez is a person who sometimes writes things.

That is the best description we can give of ourselves. We sometimes write things. We sometimes attempt to draw things, code things, animate things and one day we hope to build games.

We are prone to several creative highs and lows, and previously satisfied our dissatisfaction by destroying our work. Perhaps this is a learned reaction from previous attempts by others to destroy our creative expression. But we digress.

Most of the time there are stories swirling around in our minds. Some of them get written down. Even fewer make it to full completion. And like other writers, we HATE to read our own work.

We are prone to producing works of fiction that span several books in length. So we mostly write series of things. However, this might not be an ideal situation for someone who is so easily bored. This website is a to-do list of potential work, and an archive of typed-out thoughts.

Our intention at first is to produce a few works of fiction for free, in order to gauge the receptiveness of our ideas and to encourage anyone out there to read our work. Maybe later, when we've accepted enough constructive criticism and honed our skills, we'll start to write for pay.