Kate Napoli : Writing



A Poem by Kate Napoli

There is nothing in this world I fearNot Death, nor change, nor timeAnd you I know I'll never fearfor I am only mine.I do not fear this world of menHe..


A Poem by Kate Napoli

You’ve all read something on how IT’S OKAY TO BE DIFFERENT!!!!!!!!right? You know why those are popular?We AreAllDifferentThere is not a p..


A Poem by Kate Napoli

Freecosts nothing and Everything Freedom is having nothingTo loseNo one can take awaywhat you don’t haveBut what does that leaveYou with?Freedom..


A Poem by Kate Napoli

Face flushedHands warm and clammyThe voice that comes from my throatIs commandingI speak with confidenceThough my body language betrays meI shake but..
Tough As Nails

Tough As Nails

A Poem by Kate Napoli

They all knew it.When her heels hit,Nails clacked,They knew it.Perhaps they had always,Perhaps they had never,Not known. Her.She hid in their shadowsS..
Rat Race

Rat Race

A Poem by Kate Napoli

A gunshot rings outFeet firing across the lineRacing, pounding faster and fasterNever stopping, barely breathingFeet firing across the line Chasing af..
For When You Find Yourself At Your Lowest Point

For When You Find Yourself At Your Lowest Point

A Poem by Kate Napoli

When all the walls have crumbled all the bridges burned When there are no tears left to shed and the vastness of your soul, once fraught with worry an..
A Ghost Story in 3 Parts

A Ghost Story in 3 Parts

A Story by Kate Napoli

Our pasts never really leave us.


A Poem by Kate Napoli

When they tell you to fear the darkness remember this.


A Poem by Kate Napoli

I have felt the sting of disappointment.I have known what it is to be betrayed.I am no novice in the art of war.For everyday there iswithin me a war w..