Emily : Writing

Quotes 3

Quotes 3

A Poem by Emily

quotes from myhotcomments.com
Quotes 2

Quotes 2

A Poem by Emily

these Are more quotes from my hot commetns.com


A Poem by Emily

these are not written by me just some of my fav quotes. (you can find these and more at myhotcomments.com)
The missing piece

The missing piece

A Book by Emily

This book is bout two girls that are twins. One day while out in a field lola dissapears in a tornadoe and nobody knows who lola or lily are. So now i..
Part 1 Dissaper

Part 1 Dissaper

A Chapter by Emily

This part is where the story starts lola disappears no one remembers lily etc


A Chapter by Emily

This is where lola disappears into the tornadoe


A Chapter by Emily

This part is where lily goes to tell people what happened and nobody remembers her.


A Chapter by Emily

This is the part where she starts thinking of what happened why it happened and a lot of other things.
a little help

a little help

A Chapter by Emily

This is the part where she goes to a special someone to help her figure out what the note was about
Part 2

Part 2

A Chapter by Emily

Part 2