Claudia Nightshade : Writing

That place

That place

A Poem by Claudia Nightshade

This was writen when i was feeling Depressed and had feeling of alcholizum
Ties That Bind

Ties That Bind

A Screenplay by Claudia Nightshade

A Screen play that i wrote back in highschool for a friend, we were all suppose to act it out when i was done, but it got a little more complicated th..
Tears of blood

Tears of blood

A Poem by Claudia Nightshade

this was writen along time ago and as i belive still a good poem, if not let me know
Blown away

Blown away

A Poem by Claudia Nightshade

It was never whole, but still was big enough to be shattered, Blown away by a Kansas wind,A few pieces found there way back to my hands but i didn't h..