Sapphic Dysphoria

Sapphic Dysphoria


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About Me

It's been a while since I've written for fun so, in a way, signing up here is a halfhearted attempt to get myself going again. Writing is therapy for me and a way of coping with life's challenges, which is probably why my stories tend to lean towards the more depressing side, as they're often a reflection of the state I'm in.

More than anything else, I love writing about internal conflicts and broken relationships (romantic and not), so if you choose to stick around, that's primarily what you're going to see. I would LOVE to write some anime-based fanfiction in the future, but my first priority at the moment is finishing the KiGo fic I started writing back in 2012 and dropped in a matter of months. My biggest problem is that I tend to come up with elaborate plots, but am too lazy to put them into writing.

Lastly, I am a woman interested in women, so much of what I write (particularly when it comes to fanfiction) will be centered around lesbian relationships. That being said, I do write quite a few short stories about hetero relationships because I enjoy writing from a male perspective.

I like to think of myself as a fairly friendly person, so feel free to chat me up if you notice that we have anything in common, or if you just want to critique my work. I love getting advice!