Sarah Hobbit : Writing

What is Inspiration?

What is Inspiration?

A Poem by Sarah Hobbit

Seeing the beauty around us
Setting Rain

Setting Rain

A Poem by Sarah Hobbit

Rain outside my window Pitter Patter Splatter on the tree with golden leaf Shiny little drip drops sit sparkling in the light of end of day ..


A Poem by Sarah Hobbit

You can liken life to the season of the year. You start with Spring the time to grow And then yougo to Summer the bright time, but you can ..
We Wish

We Wish

A Poem by Sarah Hobbit

We wish upon the moon: To get us out of the world and out of trouble it doesn't happen We wish upon the moon: To guide us through the night ..
Golden Setting

Golden Setting

A Poem by Sarah Hobbit

Golden bright Red rosey light Everything around Glowing rosey gold The Suns last reflection As Night takes possession
Oh what Love

Oh what Love

A Poem by Sarah Hobbit

A four letter word So powerful and dear Fill with life and promise Tears and hugs A delight and devotion To relish the closeness Friendship and ..
Sweet Revenge

Sweet Revenge

A Poem by Sarah Hobbit

Sweet revenge With thee after taste so bitter Sweet revenge Why are thee called sweet? When thee leave an unsettled feeling Sweet bitter rev..
Starry Sky

Starry Sky

A Poem by Sarah Hobbit

Reading Fiction

Reading Fiction

A Poem by Sarah Hobbit

Thus Wish

Thus Wish

A Poem by Sarah Hobbit