Shelly Braen : Writing



A Poem by Shelly Braen

You may not touch my sensuality Nor hear my singing voice, You may not taste the fruit Of my heart, Yet I am still here, You may not see the bi..


A Poem by Shelly Braen

Smoke in my fingers, Oh mortality, Is this life, Or death in reverberation? What will my words say, When I am gone? Will there be day, Or eve..
The Book of Enoch and The Ancient of Days

The Book of Enoch and The Ancient of Days

A Poem by Shelly Braen

Dust, chain link, and stars. The painting of my dreams. Though I could never show you, never tell you what blue tastes like, how liquid silver feel..
The Quiet

The Quiet

A Poem by Shelly Braen

Watch my wings, Spread in soft embarrassment, I am quiet, For words can only say, Only what is said, I am quiet, I whisper with my eyes, I do..


A Poem by Shelly Braen

On this dark morn, I can not....


A Poem by Shelly Braen

Illusions willfully follow that guilt, Via chased tales, Sexual discord is my enema, And the smashing of beautiful things, We all end up working..


A Poem by Shelly Braen

When love's flame burns out.
Of The Sweetest Wine

Of The Sweetest Wine

A Poem by Shelly Braen

See my eyes darken, At the sight of you, Feel my rind nurture fire, At the touch of you, And feel my palate cultivate zeal, At the taste of you..


A Poem by Shelly Braen

I stand alone, On the hill beyond the stream, With open hands, I soak in the cold rain, And find in me, The glass jar, Filled with trinkets an..


A Poem by Shelly Braen

For A Former Lover And Long Time Best Friend On His Birthday 2009