Know That I Too
We are never alone (a poem for mental health month)
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Janice : Writing

Traveling Tears

Traveling Tears

A Story by Janice

Short story
A Taste of Darkness

A Taste of Darkness

A Story by Janice

A very short story
When The Weeping Willow Cries

When The Weeping Willow Cries

A Poem by Janice

When the Weeping Willow Cries Her cries so lonely and silent that only she can hear As the winds blow through her she begins to shed her fal..
Zipped Emotions

Zipped Emotions

A Story by Janice

As her laughter fills the room my heart is filled with joy. The sound embraces me, but I believe she is none the wiser to my feelings. So I just smi..
Memoirs of a Broken Heart

Memoirs of a Broken Heart

A Poem by Janice

It speaks for itself
The Very Meaning of Love

The Very Meaning of Love

A Poem by Janice

If I was not a poet but someone who defines just words in which some do not know .."Love" would be my all time favorite, then I would become a Gardner..


A Poem by Janice

When actions speak louder than words
"A Relentless Hunger"

\"A Relentless Hunger\"

A Poem by Janice

I take you in..inhale My breath now short and heavy My mind filled in darkness My heart beating like the bellowing sounds of a war drum My vision ..
"The Stone Warrior"

\"The Stone Warrior\"

A Poem by Janice

Although time has healed my wounds, it has forever left my mind, my body, my heart and my soul with so many internal and external scars that I am now ..
"The Hunter and the Hunted"

\"The Hunter and the Hunted\"

A Poem by Janice

The Hunter is me, hunting for she She who is true I’m searching for you You who can love with complete heart and soul You who can love until ..