Do you wake in the morning with a smile on your face. Do you think about me does your heart start too race. I don't know if you do and I don't care if..
Maybe we should take a step back, time to stop looking at the things we lack.Confidence and beauty, massive tits and a cracking booty.Girls today are ..
Little did they know thecrueltyinside, For a bitter girl who often tried.With a wicked smile, And awesome style.Shes the type that boys wouldchased, t..
Here a rhyme form me to you.Of how I fell into a shoe.So listen up and listen well, for now I'll tell how I fell.This old shoe was wide yet deep.Silly..
Jelly how I long to taste, another day and I may go to wast.Jelly you are oh so true, you pick me up when I am blue.Don't forget your my daily eat, yo..
Have you heard the spider calling?He's knocking on your door.Have you heard the spider calling?He'scrawlingacross the floor.Have you heard the spider ..
Its Summer Its summer!I heard it from the drummer.the sun set in the sky,A warm apple pie.Tomorrow lets causes madness,no time for stupid sadness.Its ..
I'll remember that kiss we sheared.Under theblossomjust after the track.Youclaimedme as your prize, as I justglared.So I will wait for the day you fin..
Your the one who gets me through,Your the one who keeps me true.Your the one who gave me love, your the who came from above.Your the one who came to m..
I told you last night, tonight is your last chance.I told you last night, tonight our lastdance.I hear her you in the distance, your calling out my na..