❀Subaru_Nyaa!❀ : Writing



A Chapter by ❀Subaru_Nyaa!d..

The Infinity Flame: My Useless Goddess第四単:結婚!?Last Arc: Marriage!?When I opened my eyes, I saw..
I Want To Go Home

I Want To Go Home

A Chapter by ❀Subaru_Nyaa!d..

The Infinity Flame: My Useless Goddess第四単:結婚!?Last Arc: Marriage!?「Okay, I need you to ..
The Blood Festival

The Blood Festival

A Book by ❀Subaru_Nyaa!d..

The Gods vs Bio-Florythms
The Blood Festival: The Nightmare Heaven

The Blood Festival: The Nightmare Heaven

A Chapter by ❀Subaru_Nyaa!d..

The Blood Festival: The Nightmare HeavenExciting, ArousingAim and Shoot, Aim and Shoot.As the moon glows red,The Door to the Nightmare Heaven spreads!..


A Chapter by ❀Subaru_Nyaa!d..

The Blood Festival: Chapter 0Prologue: A New "Player"?????,??????, Lily's House?「Hm? This is.....」I noticed another aberration in my pla..


A Chapter by ❀Subaru_Nyaa!d..

The Blood Festival: Chapter 1: Premonition第一単・終わりの始まり「!!!....{..
New Type

New Type

A Chapter by ❀Subaru_Nyaa!d..

The Blood Festival: Chapter 2: New Type第一単・終わりの始まり「I scanned your ..
Tsunako Mk.88

Tsunako Mk.88

A Chapter by ❀Subaru_Nyaa!d..

The Blood Festival: Chapter 3: Tsunako Mk.88第二単・新たなる敵「It seems like everyone is ..


A Chapter by ❀Subaru_Nyaa!d..

The Blood Festival: Chapter 4: Love!?第二単・新たなる敵Two days later......「I don't have ..