Ursula Kay Vos

Ursula Kay Vos


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Phoenix, AZ
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About Me

Good Morning!! 
Updating profiles today and I want to say Thank You; to all of the writers, and all of the reviewers here on Writers Cafe.  You gave me the courage to take that leap! 

As I've said before, the book is out, and I'm working on the next project while checking on my baby out there in the world! 

It is still, and I hope always will be a lot of work! I don't like to not be busy :/. I digress, I've been working my a*s off, literally!  When I look back now, well I just can't see it...
This is not good.
If anyone see's it please call me as soon as possible, I'm going to have a strong talking to that a*s and tell it to come home, that I miss having her 'round...
Just tell it that I love it, and it won't get in trouble.  I promise, just come home! It is approaching the weekend after all ;) 

All kidding aside, it has been a rewarding experience working to get this thing I call work to take off.  Ups, downs and everything in between- I wouldn't trade it for the world! 

Stepping back I know that I do have a lot to be greatful for.  

Thank you to the writers, the poets, the dreamers...
Thank you to all who have encouraged my steps along the way...
Thank you to the people who see things differently, creating this thing the world looks upon with envy and sighs,

Ursula Kay Vos


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Good Morning!! 
Updating profiles today and I want to say Thank You; to all of the writers, and all of the reviewers here on Writers Cafe.  You gave me the courage to take that leap! 

As I've said before, the book is out, and I'm working on the next project while checking on my baby out there in the world! 

It is still, and I hope always will be a lot of work! I don't like to not be busy :/. I digress, I've been working my a*s off, literally!  When I look back now, well I just can't see it...
This is not good.
If anyone see's it please call me as soon as possible, I'm going to have a strong talking to that a*s and tell it to come home, that I miss having her 'round...
Just tell it that I love it, and it won't get in trouble.  I promise, just come home! It is approaching the weekend after all ;) 

All kidding aside, it has been a rewarding experience working to get this thing I call work to take off.  Ups, downs and everything in between- I wouldn't trade it for the world! 

Stepping back I know that I do have a lot to be greatful for.  

Thank you to the writers, the poets, the dreamers...
Thank you to all who have encouraged my steps along the way...
Thank you to the people who see things differently, creating this thing the world looks upon with envy and sighs,

Ursula Kay Vos


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hi Kid...Did you just giggle at my review?

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hi all! Long long long hiatus! What did I miss?! :)

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Started writing new book! Trying to get my mind off the jitters for the release tomorrow :/ BUT!!! Just wondering if anyone is able/ willing to participate?
The new book is titled "The Blacksheep Project; The Forgotten Chiledren" . In it I am following several participants and the full cover price is being donated to a local church who aides fostered children who 'age' out of protective custody. Of course that is what I have decided my contribution will be, however that is in no way a dictation on anyone else's participation!
If anyone wants more info- please let me know And I will get you the name of the church so you can check out their website and what they do for these foster kids or I can also tell you what it is I am doing and maybe you would be interested in doing something like this in your area?
In any eventuality, I hope this finds everyone well! And the book I have been working on along with the poetry you all were so kind in reviewing is due to be released in e-format tomorrow; although I'm afraid the conversion is going to be late :( So look around the middle of next week on my website and shortly there after on Amazon- Kindle- Nook- iPad- Reader or any other device you may have!
The print versions will be out around May 1!
Self publishing :/ but oh so worth it!

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Posted 12 Years Ago

The show is a triumph!

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Posted 12 Years Ago

13 Hours and Interpretations first show opens tomorrow!

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Posted 12 Years Ago

How is everyone doing?!? I've missed all of you, my WC friends N fellow writers!

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Posted 12 Years Ago

So now Ive got the pleasure of the lovely isbn forms and figuring out how many I need- for the next 5 years! Just in case :( and I'm getting my passport paperwork in order this week... Can we say to many tedious forms?!?
Yes we can!!! Latte stat! Hehe!
Paris here I come, in 6-8 weeks! Lol!

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Posted 12 Years Ago

There are a coupleof new bits on my profile, may give you a smile when you need one.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hey dear, :) thank you so much for your comment, as you said the word "guide" is perfect, I had it also in my mind, lol so it was just the advice I needed, thanks for your support. How are you doing dear? I had a lovely hike today, and now chilling in the evening... Nice you have plans to see Van Gogh, his art is wonderful. Proud he was Dutch. :) love to you! and a lovely daaaay xx