Alexandra : Writing

My Suicide

My Suicide

A Poem by Alexandra

“He’s not the same anymore” “Well you aren’t either” It took six months and change for you to tell me to f..
I Give Up

I Give Up

A Poem by Alexandra

I desire to open a hole in my backyard Bury my own body in it And wait for you to find me the next morning That’s if you care to find me


A Poem by Alexandra

“You guys make a very sweet couple” If only you knew What goes on behind close doors
We Recycle on Thursdays

We Recycle on Thursdays

A Poem by Alexandra

I write this on a Friday morning My poems are like diary entries Brief reminders of terrible moments So maybe I can appreciate it more when..
Closed Chapter

Closed Chapter

A Poem by Alexandra

Perhaps it’s the perplexity of it all I asked God for a sign And I have it all in front of me now No hiding or schemes I see you for you..
Day #4

Day #4

A Poem by Alexandra

I should have went to the urgent care
Day #3

Day #3

A Poem by Alexandra

Rock Bottom is replaying Paramore- All I Wanted
Day #2

Day #2

A Poem by Alexandra

Sacrifices are made for the betterment of our lives.
Day #1

Day #1

A Poem by Alexandra

I will be writing a poem a day for the next 30 days. These are all dedicated to my dear husband.
“I’ll be there”

“I’ll be there”

A Poem by Alexandra

As a kid, I would wait for a father that would never come home. I’d lay my head by the door so when it opened, I would wake up. Unbeknownst to m..

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