David : Writing

Mystery Woman

Mystery Woman

A Poem by David

Mystery Woman Who is she the one just there hairslightly blowing in the wind her perfume lingering in the air a single rose is her mark unfort..
Mystery Man

Mystery Man

A Poem by David

Mystery Man Hard to understand him, so eccentric by nature he is, never to conform with the others. Smile to explain himself with, but no more ..
The Difference Between Need and Want

The Difference Between Need and Want

A Poem by David

a poem trying to capture the essence of the difference between the terms needy and greedy. We say we need this but do we really need it or just crave..


A Poem by David

Sticks and Stones

Sticks and Stones

A Poem by David

Be kind and rewind... your actions
Windswept Wings

Windswept Wings

A Poem by David

Windswept Wings Birds; we hear them but they are second nature, two birds go erratic and fly into doors and window pains. By the bay, people st..
My Mind Is Gone

My Mind Is Gone

A Poem by David

In a foul swoop of tastlessness, my mind is gone, in a way I have been set free, from the curse of imagination. Day after day I write these thin..
A Red Punchbowl

A Red Punchbowl

A Poem by David

A Red Punchbowl I take a break from dancing, to get a drink of punch, I stare into it, a reflection appears in the ripples, but it isn't mine, ..
Paradise Barn

Paradise Barn

A Poem by David

Paradise Barn The hay overflows, the brigh red paint glistens in the sunlight, for red is thinework, souls going in and coming out, creatures i..


A Poem by David

Everything should be a nickel, for that is all I have in my pocket.