Know That I Too
We are never alone (a poem for mental health month)
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SimpleMind : Writing

The Genuis II

The Genuis II

A Poem by SimpleMind

Zombies can't eat his brain
Brave Heart

Brave Heart

A Poem by SimpleMind

It's me, 'tis my reality
The genius

The genius

A Poem by SimpleMind

It's not that I don't know, there's just too many answers
Elfin Soul

Elfin Soul

A Poem by SimpleMind

Look at her, she's my poem.
A white rose with no thorns

A white rose with no thorns

A Poem by SimpleMind

She wants it, she craves for it. But don't give too much, she doesn't need it.
SimpleMind's simple mind

SimpleMind's simple mind

A Poem by SimpleMind

'Tis a rather personal piece


A Poem by SimpleMind

That awkward moment you have so many thoughts you want to convey, and you suddenly ran out of words
Thy voice...thy soul

Thy voice...thy soul

A Poem by SimpleMind a gift from God only He should take
My body is your kingdom (Her Voice)

My body is your kingdom (Her Voice)

A Poem by SimpleMind

Love can move mountain but this opposite, sometimes we have to set someone free, in the name of love
The Sociopath

The Sociopath

A Story by SimpleMind

Let's have the same nightmare...big brother.