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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

Throughout my life, I have gone through many tough times and recovered from some serious issues. I originally began writing in a diary around my freshman year of high school. I quickly became bored of writing about how my day was so I tried writing poetry and I enjoyed it very much. In the beginning, almost all of my poems were about my crushes or girlfriends at the time. I loved writing either love or hate poems about the girls in my life. I slowly transitioned to writing more about life issues (that normally included relationships as well). I always loved rhyming poetry and when I heard that it did not have to rhyme, it rather stressed me out at first. I tried not rhyming and it ended in throwing paper across the room. It never sounded right to me. I have experimented more and more with this technique and I have wrote a few poems that I actually like with it. I continue to write mainly about relationships and love but I am trying to expand my horizons to include such topics as religion, life goals, inatimate objects, and actual experiences. I love reading as long as I can find a good author (I'm rather picky). I am currently reading Stephen King novels and I have been getting some interesting ideas from him. I would love to write stories but I have never been very good at it. Please comment and tell me what you think of my writing.

Clarke Surrey