Absolute Best Story  July 19, 2008 - August 19, 2008

Contest Completed


1st Place--Absolute Best Story!!! - Friends Forever
2nd Place--Absolute Best Story!!! - That Falls Drop by Drop Upon the Heart
3rd Place--Absolute Best Story!!! - A Walk in the Sun
4th Place--Absolute Best Story!!! - [writing deleted]
5th Place--Absolute Best Story!!! - Berial\'s Task
6th Place--Absolute Best Story!!! - [writing deleted]
7th Place--Absolute Best Story!!! - A Dying Fire
8th Place--Absolute Best Story!!! - [writing deleted]
9th Place--Absolute Best Story!!! - Night of Survival
10th Place--Absolute Best Story!!! - Crimson Kingdom


This contest is the same as my Absolute Best Poem contest. I want to read your best story, the one story you've written that's your favorite and the one you're extremely proud of.


a shiny medal


Ice Queen of the Vampires
Ice Queen of the Vampires
Hoping I get to see the Grand Canyon soon. Maybe my next trip to AZ!!!


47 Contestants
47 Submissions
Created Jul 20, 2008