Aces High  September 3, 2014 - October 3, 2014

Reading and Deliberating


i've done a few of the finish this contests and i found them fun and fairly easy to write. i'd like to see what others can come up with when presented with specific story content. this contest will have four choices and must include each thing listed for that choice within your story. you have four entries to use as you please and a month to make the best most creative story you can come up with. just have fun with it.

1. Spade, White, Fire, Death
2. Heart, Red, Rain, Trust
3. Diamond, Blue, Blood, Family
4. Club, Green, Tears, Loyalty

i will choose my favorite for each category and they will receive first place. also, because there are only up to ten awards i can't do a second and third place for each option, but i will still inform you if you did place second or third.
this is my first contest, so please PM me with anymore questions.


Best Spade Best Spade
Best Heart Best Heart
Best Diamond Best Diamond
Best Club Best Club



3 Contestants
5 Submissions
Created Sep 3, 2014

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  • Any Member can Submit
  • Only Stories can be Submitted
  • All Genres of Writing can be Submitted
  • Each Contestant May Submit 4 Pieces of Writing
  • Writing may be submitted 9/3/2014 - 10/3/2014
  • Winners will be decided by the Moderator


elizander is solely responsible for the content of this contest, including all promised prizes. Take any promises of large monetary awards with a grain of salt. Contact elizander if you have any further questions.

Recent Submissions

Trust Fall Trust Fall

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