Be My Anti-Valentine.  February 2, 2009 - March 4, 2009

Contest Completed


I'm Blind. Stop Dazzling Me! - You\'ll Be My Britney Spears
You Deserve The World. - Why Should I Believe In Love?
Hugs and Kisses For You. - my Valentine
You've Certainly Pierced My Soul. - Destiny\'s Love, an Irish Princess Story
You're Number One In My Black Hole. - You\'re in my dreams
I Can't Stop This...Smile. - An angels affection
Bronze? Psssht, I Forgot To Clean This Ol' Thing. - valentine bar
Ribbons Are As Smooth As Your Words. - Tired of Your Depression
My Muse Left Me...For YOU! - Singles Awareness Day
Oh, How You Make It Hard To Live. - Field of Stars
Flowers Can't Compare To This Beauty. - [writing deleted]
Yo. Nice Skillz, Homes. - The Affair
Loverly! Just So Loverly! - Unrequited Love


Alright, my dear fellow writers, it's common knowledge that Valentine's Day is apparantly a day of love but it's a bit over-commercialized and pinpoints those poor souls alone on such a dismal day. This year it falls on a saturday which means Friday the 13 is its eve so in order to celebrate I'd thought I'd make a contest.

This is for the single people who have to bear the mushy ickiness, for those who hate commercialization of love, for those who believe that love is to be celebrated everyday and not once a year.
I can't wait to see all of your brilliant submissions. =]

[Spread the news of this contest to your friends. If you could be so kind, that is.]


Under blooming cherry blossoms in, Japan


11 Contestants
21 Submissions
Created Feb 2, 2009

Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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