Love Me Not
1986, Penny Herrera falls into the predatory clutches of Matt, an older man who has no other intention than to alter Pen
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In The Beginning....  August 5, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Contest Completed


Zeal Knows No Bounds - The Origin of the World
Ok, Ok...The Crusades We Kind of a Bad Idea.... - [writing deleted]
We Marched Across the Desert Because of a Bush? - Garden of Treachery
I Only Observe the Holidays That Get Me Off of Work - Small World
What Religion? - Magnum Opus


Every culture has a creation story. Whether Yahweh saying, "Let there be light" or the mucousy sneeze from the Great Green Arkleseizure, creation stories are how civilizations define what it means to exist.

Write a creation story for a fictional civilization. It can be Earth, Mars, Zebulon doesn't matter. The story has to be written well enough for a race of sentient beings to have developed a religion about it.

Plausibility counts. Spelling and grammar count. Language counts.

Have fun!


$0.00, Your own religion and a shiny hat.



5 Contestants
5 Submissions
Created Aug 5, 2010