Nature, Auroras, Lights, Trees, Water, Outdoors Contest  May 18, 2017 - May 31, 2017

Contest Completed


Outstanding - `Sweet Sounds`
Bravo - Nature Glue
Amazing - [writing deleted]


Poems only
Short around 30 - 40 lines
Well set up in stature
Genre: Poetry, Christian Religious, Nature & Outdoors
Poetry that is beautiful, light, airy, flows well.
No prizes except for the reviews that brings a smile to your heart & face.

My Pet Peeve is contests that are forgotten about & left to sit for years or are set for an ungodly year that is not the current year we are in.
If you create a contest you should at least choose winners quickly. I've entered some that are still forgotten about 7 yrs later. So annoying.
You can be rest assured this contest will be done as quickly as possible. I know what it is like to wait to see if you are a winner.


$0.00, None



24 Contestants
55 Submissions
Created May 18, 2017