Scary Faeries 2011  October 17, 2011 - October 31, 2011

Contest Completed


Scariest Faerie of Them All - Bewitching Beings
Dang, Faerie---You Scary! - Evil Fairies


Throughout history, the fey have been portrayed in various ways. Sometimes they're cute, sometimes they're ugly. Sometimes they're nice and sometimes they're evil. I'm looking for some stories about some not-so-nice faeries, something along the lines of Pan's Labyrinth. It's Halloween, so make it good and scary. Any rating is accepted (E, T, or M) and you're free to make it as weird, cutesy, funny, or grotesque as you want.

The Rules Are This:

1) Limit one entry per person; short stories of any genre, so long as it's about scary faeries.
2) All entries must be no more than 1,500 words; any short story that does not adhere to this limit will not be considered.
3) Make sure all stories have been properly edited---proper grammar, correct spelling, etc. WILL be considered when choosing winners.

Happy writing! Oh, and, Happy Halloween as well!


$0.00, The Power of Sheer Scaritude by Way of Frightening Faerie


The Dirty South, AL


2 Contestants
2 Submission
Created Oct 14, 2011