TV and Movie Poetry  January 7, 2011 - February 7, 2011

Contest Completed


Best! - [writing deleted]
Runner Up! - Elizabeth
Honorable Mention - Embrace The Storm
Honorable Mention - Blue
Honorable Mention - Simply


Sometimes you get attached to fictional characters (not just in books, either) and you just can't help it. They become a part of you.

I'm looking for any poetry based on any TV show or movie. And I do mean ANYthing. It can be based on a character, a relationship, a situation, a plotline, etc. Be creative!

(Also, as a note somewhere you might want to clue me in on what show/movie your writing is related to and any background I might need just in case it's something I haven't seen)



8 Contestants
13 Submissions
Created Jan 7, 2011