This is ME  April 22, 2010 - May 7, 2010

Reading and Deliberating


Do you have a poem that truly tells the reader who you, the writer, are? Have you written the soundtrack to your soul in verse? I enjoy reading such pieces, so I decided to have a contest.
The only rule is that it must be a poem, and it must be a "description" of yourself. Who are you?

To give you an example, here is my poem, Soundtrack, which I believe describes who Constance is inside quite completely.


I am a skipping record, too many times played

Scritched and scratched and poorly patched

The romantic ballad, permanently delayed;

Lied beneath the stars one night, did the math

And I figure, problem is, got stuck on one track

Followed that dream until it died of remorse

Now I know I can't ever get those hours back

So I'll rewrite the soundtrack, change the course

Play it loud enough, easy mind will change again

Perhaps an open mind can really be a curse

Yet I know the tree won't break if it will bend;

Life: crazy thing one can't ever plan or rehearse

Some people just die stuck in a tired old dirge

Never dare change the song, filled with false fear

Submit to common sense when they feel an urge

There's music, everywhere, that they'll never hear

Rolling with the flow of a cacaphony of sound

I'll let my mind ramble onward to a better place

Or 'least a different one, if better can't be found

Take it nice and slow, refuse to run the ratrace

And I'll dance, I'll dance like a fool, mad-happy

I'll sing and I'll sing like I feel every word, inside

Every tune, be it sorrowful, or bland, or sappy

I'll play the skipped old record, enjoying the ride


A badge of honor, and a review, of course.


Self-Actualized Self-Actualized
True to Self True to Self
Growing Toward Gnosis Growing Toward Gnosis


Who wants to know where I am, when who I am is all that matters?, KS


20 Contestants
34 Submissions
Created Apr 22, 2010

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  • Any Member can Submit
  • Only Poetry can be Submitted
  • All Genres of Writing can be Submitted
  • Each Contestant May Submit 2 Pieces of Writing
  • Writing may be submitted 4/22/2010 - 5/7/2010
  • Winners will be decided by User Votes


Constance-Outspoken is solely responsible for the content of this contest, including all promised prizes. Take any promises of large monetary awards with a grain of salt. Contact Constance-Outspoken if you have any further questions.