Crystal L. Test

Crystal L. Test


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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I've been so busy and I really do apologize. Haven't been reading or writing. I will let everyone know when I'm back.
I dwell in possibility. --Emily Dickinson

I used to be Snow White...but I drifted. --Mae West

I'm just a girl. Take a good look at me, just your typical prototype. --No Doubt

To sleep, per chance to dream. --Shakespeare


I grew up in a small Mid-Western town, which probably explains where much of my cynicism comes from...LOL. I started reciting jingles, rhymes and song lyrics, as a toddler, but actually began writing poetry in grade school. I have never thought much about it, I guess. My Mom wrote some and I felt it was a natural thing. I have written on and off over the years. It just really depends on what inspires me. So far, I haven't forced myself to write and may go months at a time with nothing. Then, something starts an idea (or several) bouncing around in my head and I may end up writing three poems in a week. I just never know.

As far as my writing style goes, I'm all over the place. I don't normally pick what style of rhyme or verse I'm going to use before I start writing. It just happens on its own. I use a lot of symbolism and am not into spelling out every detail for the reader. In my humble opinion, spelling out details is for stories not necessarily poems. I like to leave something for the reader to ponder on their own. If I spell out everything for you, what's left for you to think about? Besides, I usually put enough out there for you to connect with. I have to keep some things for myself.

Having said that, I really enjoy writing. I enjoy reading other people's work. I normally only review works that I like and have something constructive to say. As with other writers, I have a dark side and many times I tap into that. It is truly an outlet for what I'm thinking and feeling at that very moment. I might be angry and write something very powerful and intense. That doesn't mean that 5 minutes later I couldn't write something light-hearted and happy about the same person or thing.


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Posted 10 Years Ago

Hahaha! I think I log on here like once a year!

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Posted 10 Years Ago

OH MY GOD! Guess who finally checked her account after five years! Yep.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

MySpace Graphics
Desktop Wallpaper & MySpace Layouts

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Howdy young lady... I sure hope all is well... miss you and your talents.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Saw you on and stopped by to say hello.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Doing well... just working and writing myself...

thats too bad I always enjoyed your writing.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Well hello young lady and how the hell are you doing? Long time no see.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Saw you on so I popped in to say hello :-)

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Posted 16 Years Ago

You know I believe you did but that was really sweet of you to check and make sure... I certainly hope all is going well for you my friend.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Yeah been keeping myself bust a bit, LOL... now we just need to get your creative juices flowing like wine.