


What is even wrong with me...?

Wherever I find myself, IN
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My One

My One

A Poem by Kitten

Trust Me Trust Me

A Poem by Kitten

My Man My Man

A Poem by Kitten

Who am I? Who am I?

A Poem by Kitten

Long nights Long nights

A Poem by Kitten

Love Love

A Poem by Kitten

Fear Fear

A Poem by Kitten

"Girl" "Girl"

A Poem by Kitten

Weak Weak

A Poem by Kitten

About Me

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My heart belongs to my fandoms. I spend most of my times writing fanfics. Which is what I seem to mostly post here. That and poems about my life or short stories I get random ideas for. Hiddles and Bene are my life. Tumblr url is:
Also is yew ever need someone to talk to about anything. I am here.

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Also. If yew ever need someone to listen that wont judge.
Go here:

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all about me!!
Created by cutiepie656 and taken 13531 times on Bzoink
name: Ashley
birthday: 3/10/96
zodiac sign: Aquarius
where were you born: Garrett,IN
where do you live now: Garrett,IN
height: 5'10 ish
hair color: Forever changing
eye color: Green/Hazel
tattoos: None yet
piercings: 10. It's a long list.
color: Green~
food: Chinese
candy: Suckers
movie: I have many.
tv show: Again. A long list
actor: Benedict Cumberbatch~!
actress: Lara Pulver
band or singer: Long list
song: (Currently) Wrecking Ball
holiday: Halloween or Christmas.
month: March Or April
season: Winter/Fall
day of the week: Friday.
store: Earth Magic
restaurant: No idea.
sport: Soccer
animal: Wolf
flower: Lily
*Have you ever....*
danced in the rain: Yep~
tripped and had an embarassing fall: Tons of time.
smoked: Yes
got drunk: Yep
done drugs: Yeah.
gone skinny-dipping: Nooo.
been in a car accident: Nope.
been in love: Yes~
met the president: No
met a celebrity: Yes.
cried over a movie: A lot.
shoplifted: Nope
laughed so hard you cried: Yeah.
cried for no reason at all: Mhm.
*The last.....*
thing you said: I need to go upstairs
thing you ate: Snickers ice cream bar
song you heard: Turn My Flesh Inside Out. (Best remix ever~)
movie you saw: Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters
cd you bought: Nightmare
book you read: Seizure
phone call: One of my friends
im: Idfk.
person you yelled at: My mom..
*This or That*
pepsi or coke: Coke
mcdonalds or burger king: Mcdonalds
chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
tv or movies: If by tv yew mean DW SPN and others like that. Then TV.
colored pencils or markers: Colored Pencils
sun or moon: Moon. (Duh.)
day or night: Night.
pants or shorts: Shorts
long sleeve or short sleeve: Long sleeve
n'sync or backstreet boys: N'sync
burgers or hot dogs: Burgers
rock or rap: Rock
aim or phone: Phone
romantic comedy or thriller: Thriller
waffles or pancakes: Pancakes
peanut butter or jelly: Peanut butter
what color is your toothbrush: Purple. :3
do you believe in love at first sight: Yep.
have you ever wished upon a star: Yes.
what other language(s) do you speak: Fangirl
if you dyed your hair what color would you dye it: Purple. Blue. and Pink
if you could change your name what would you change it to: Ashlee Westfall
what are the last 4 digits of your phone #: Personal info. *z snap*
whats the weather like right now: I'm currently stuck in school. Idfk
what instruments do you play (if you play any): Trumpet
do you talk to yourself a lot: Haha. Not myself..
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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Major Depression:Very High
Bipolar Disorder:Extremely High
Cyclothymia:Extremely High
Seasonal Affective Disorder:High-Moderate
Postpartum Depression:N/A
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Posted 9 Years Ago


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Posted 9 Years Ago

hi message me back I would love to talk to you

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Posted 9 Years Ago


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Posted 9 Years Ago

you have tumblr? could i follow you? (you don't have to follow me back) :)

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Posted 9 Years Ago

whats going on this weekend?

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Posted 10 Years Ago

 photo fourthofjulypicture_zps08aefccd.jpg

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Posted 10 Years Ago

 photo friday-quotes-to-put-you-in-a-good-mood-L-4Zuz8e_zps130cc0e3.jpg

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Posted 10 Years Ago

You're welcome!! :)

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Happy Sunday!! :)

 photo 64ff431ef51c0de78a68c0446c691c34_zpse3649b76.jpg

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Love your profile pic