fallen_sueanne : Writing

Angel From Heaven Above

Angel From Heaven Above

A Poem by fallen_sueanne

For my friend, who thinks that no one cares for her.
My Name Is SueAnne

My Name Is SueAnne

A Story by fallen_sueanne

I wrote this being bored out of my mind once during study block awhile ago.
Theme For English 11

Theme For English 11

A Poem by fallen_sueanne

My own personal version of a Theme for English B. Note: The first five lines aren't my own, they are Langston Hughes "Theme For English B"
Angels of Murder

Angels of Murder

A Book by fallen_sueanne

Raven Calhoun follows Jenna, the most popular girl, around school like a little sidekick, but when an innocent Raven is accused of Jenna's murder, wha..


A Chapter by fallen_sueanne

Raven's words
First Session

First Session

A Chapter by fallen_sueanne

Raven talks to the cop for the first time after Jenna's death.


A Poem by fallen_sueanne

The hope and meaning of love


A Poem by fallen_sueanne

Sometimes love kills
Can't Win

Can\'t Win

A Poem by fallen_sueanne

Broken hearts suck
Doesn't Love Me

Doesn\'t Love Me

A Poem by fallen_sueanne

This is about heartbreak and how it feels to want to tear things apart when you're upset about total a**holes.