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Why it fell apart? Share your stories.

12 Years Ago

In all of the bad, fouled up, broken and shattered relationships everyone has had, what do you feel is the leading cause of the split? Is it deception? Lack of understanding, on their part or our own? Or any other reason. I figure if enough people share their views on this, then as a whole, some common guidelines might be developed so that fewer bad apples are allowed into our hearts.

Re: Why it fell apart? Share your stories.

12 Years Ago

I think I've explained before in a poem or story the reason why any of my past relationships fell apart. I'm not sure, but I'll just go ahead and explain the summary again! Everything starts off perfect, nobody or anything getting in our way. Months of perfection and complete happiness. Nothing could get any better until one day there's another girl(s) start talking to him. All of sudden, I'm not "good" enough and he breaks up with me and chases after the other girl(s). Maybe it's being tricked into thinking he was the "right" guy for awhile anyways, that's a possible reason it falls apart? I'm never the one to hurt a guy or especially break his heart! So I'm definitely not the reason for us spliting. One day I'll find the guy that thinks I'm not just another girl in the world, but I'm his world and everything! :)
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Re: Why it fell apart? Share your stories.

12 Years Ago

She moved away and started hanging with a new crowd that she had been yearning for. Her new crowd convinced her that i am somehow not fit for for her and she listened to them. She was a girl that yearned to live a little bit more than others, while i was just a boy happy with whatever i already had. I guess i was the shoe and she was the growing leg. She outgrew me at the end of it and had to look for a new shoe to fit in. At first she'd always convince before going away that she'd never leave me and that she was going away to make it better for us. I guess love/lust was still tender in her heart. But like a car on a dusty road, she faded in between the particles of the dirt and i did not notice i had lost her until she was gone. After that all late night calls turned to "I am busy can't talk right now" it went on for some time until she told me she wanna talk. One weekend i climbed on a bus and had five hours to ponder on what was awaiting, the white angel on my shoulder told me that everything was going to be okay but i should have trusted the black angel. I met her and for the first time she did not even hug me. After handing me a glass of water like she knew i was going to get dehydrated, she told me she wanted a break. I asked her what was wrong but she told me it was none of my business. I asked if after the break, us would be back to normal because i was willing to give her the space but she replied by saying she was not sure. I felt like a tower was falling over me and she just watched me drown in my blood. Someone i had stayed with for two years and cared a lot was slowly fading into a stranger. She did not give a damn about anything, whether i was hurt or dying inside. Weeks flew by as i stared at my phone waiting to at least get a message from her but nothing, i got nothing. I was mad and resorted to some extreme measures to keep me calm...instead i was killing myself over somebody that was happy in another man's arm.
With time i forgave her, not because i am human but so that i can stop missing the best moments of my life that i had with her. Someone's once said "It is remarkable how similar the pattern of love is to the pattern of insanity." On a sad note i agree with him.

Re: Why it fell apart? Share your stories.

12 Years Ago

Wow, that's sooo sad! I'd hate for that to happen to me, and I'm truly sorry that it happened to you. I always think if the relationship goes bad that it means that God just gave us another "wrong" girl/boy to lead us right to Mr/Ms. Right. It seems more positive when you think about it that way. I know it's hard to think positive when it comes to break-ups especially if they really broke your heart, but believe me it's worth it to see the bright sides of it all. You deserve a lot better than someone treating you horrible I can promise you that. I've been told that too, so I'm waiting for the right guy to treat me how I'm supposed to be treated. Which is with all love and respect. I don't want another jerk to take my heart, because if so I don't think I'll be able to give my heart to the person God destined for me. It's hard sometimes to decide whether or not a person is innocent or cold-hearted. They always start off sweet and innocent, and in the end they portray you for another person and break your heart. That's why I'm putting a lot of thought into every relationship nowadays. If you know what I mean? Good luck to finding Ms.Right! :)

Re: Why it fell apart? Share your stories.

12 Years Ago

The first time mine heart broke was because of my parents' divorce. I was four when it started, but it took over three years to finalize, and they argued about everything and anything. They both tried to trick me and my brother into being on "their side" and now, ten years later, my father still feels the need to rant about how terrible my mother is. It also didn't help that my mother kidnapped me and my brother and took us to our grandmother's, and immediately started seeing someone new. The second time it broke was when my mother secretly married the guy who is now step-dad, because some part of me had always been hoping my parents would get back together, but they can't if she's remarried :P It's broken more since then, but those were the two biggest things.

Re: Why it fell apart? Share your stories.

12 Years Ago

Awwh, your story is soo sad! I hate that they divorced. I take forgranted that my parents aren't separated when there's a lot of kids without both of their parents with them now. It would've been nice if they did get back together though.

Re: Why it fell apart? Share your stories.

12 Years Ago

Actually, as much as I would love to have both my parents with me, I've found that it actually was better that they live three and a half states away from each other. Yes, my parents hate each other that much that they need three and a half states between them. 

Re: Why it fell apart? Share your stories.

12 Years Ago

Wow, that's real bad! When do you get to visit both of them at the same time?

Re: Why it fell apart? Share your stories.

12 Years Ago

The only time I see them together is when I'm going from one to the other. I live eith my dad and visit my mom once a month, then it flips during the summer months.

Re: Why it fell apart? Share your stories.

12 Years Ago

Ohh, that would really suck! I'm so sorry that you had to go through that :( but atleast you have God and writing to turn to, to vent your emotions about it all.

Re: Why it fell apart? Share your stories.

12 Years Ago

Oh, well writing, yes. I'm actually Atheist, so I don't turn to God. But I do vent a lot through my writing and sometimes I include things dealing with religion, mainly Catholic, because my mother and her whole side of the family is Catholic.
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Re: Why it fell apart? Share your stories.

8 Years Ago

At my case is always end up. Cause we have to split up. Partner went for few months some project. After few weeks is just all went down. And partner ussualy end up realationship. Cause she find somebody else. I gues our love was not strong enough. We split up ussualy after short periode when we was together. And I also feel they was litlle pushy. How I have to change and is was sometimes like psycholigal game. Now I have again relationship on long distance. But I feel is diffirent now. Cause we love each other. I mean I feel what I never feel before. And she do same. Now we try to get again together. And also our communication is much better. So maybe it will be happy end .