Broken hearts United! : Forum : How do you survive a break-up?

How do you survive a break-up?

11 Years Ago

I'd like to know how do all of you get over a harsh break-up? It's taken me two years just about to get over my first love, Nick. Which most of you are familiar with his name, since I write a lot about him. If you're not familiar with it, then check some of my poems or pictures. I do have one picture of me and him from a field trip in the 8th grade. I used to have tingly feelings throughout my body whenever I saw him, but now I feel completely normal. He's my best guy friend now after five months we had dated. I do have a most recent ex-boyfriend that broke up with me on June 29th. I did get over him, but there are times when I cry because I hear "our" song come on the radio. Or I look back to poems I wrote for him on this website that I posted. My question is... what do I do to quit the heartache?

Re: How do you survive a break-up?

11 Years Ago

I'd love to help you there, hun, but I don't know. I've been in three relationships. The first one I ended, the second moved away before it could get anywhere, and the third ended it a week ago. I think you just have to live with heartache, give time and space, forgive and/or forget.

Re: How do you survive a break-up?

11 Years Ago

You're absolutely right! I've been in more relationships than the ones I listed but they're not as important as those two! I'll follow your wise advice :)

Re: How do you survive a break-up?

11 Years Ago

oh well if you REALLY wanna get over a break-up, then you should erase the guy completely, it might be hard but it 100% works, first of all, start by changing your phone number, or just delete his number and messages...all of them, delete or throw away all of his pictures, delete him from any social network you have him on...just throw away everything he gave you, or just give them all back to will take time, and at the beginning you'll miss him, but it works...100% works, it's all about time :)

Re: How do you survive a break-up?

11 Years Ago

Oh, wow thank you very much girl! That piece of wise advice is going to definitely come in handy for future break-ups or even past! :)
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Re: How do you survive a break-up?

11 Years Ago

basically what i felt after i broke up with my gf....for first 3 or 4 months there is grief and mourning....then slowly if the person is visible to us  we start hating him/her.....specially if by any chance we find them smiling  or very happy in certain situations...we tend to think that whats up with them that they have no feeling of sadness ....and on the other side we  get sick day by day...... but i learned my lesson the more time we spend on disappointment's our's better to remember the good days of our relationship and be happy cuse we lived those moments while many others are just craving for them.... be happy that you were lucky that u had some lovely romantic moments..... and hope is the big word here ....never loose it .... it will all work out someday :)
our special someone is rushing towards us as  fast as they's just a matter of time(himym) :)

Re: How do you survive a break-up?

11 Years Ago

That's all very good points in your reply! I nodded my head during the whole time I was reading it. I do think it's good to remember the good times that you shared with the person, and take that as a boost onto finding someone even better that will keep memories going forever. (Mr.Right/Mrs.Right(in your case) Break-ups are difficult and you know that you want that person back so bad but you can't have them which makes everything worse. Then you decide to hate them. Believe me--I know exactly what you're talking about. It's happened so many times before, maybe in a book, movie, tv show, or just in my reality. I truly think writing helps me survive a break-up. It helps me vent any feelings towards them, and once I write down the memories we shared it's somehow deleted from my brain :)
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Re: How do you survive a break-up?

8 Years Ago

For me is not surviving. Cause this pain and wound is still inside of me. Sometimes I forgett but I know is still there. Sometimes you can have meet with someonewho realy loves. And this can heal you. But what about if you will be wounded again. I just tried be busy but pain is still here. Only real love can heal you nothing else