From The Heart (Invite)


Hi everyone!!!
I'm asking for your support:)
For those of you who have Facebook that is!
I have created a group on Facebook called "From The Heart"
I decided to create this group for many reasons, the main one being my experience in other poetry based groups on social media. I saw a lot of negativity being thrown around among poets and that just crushed my heart. We as poets, as writers open our hearts and pour out what we feel on paper and when one comes to the point where we are ready to share it with the world the last thing we need is for others to tear us down. We need to build each other up not tear each other down. From The Heart is a closed (group) and safe place to just post and share your poetry, feelings and thoughts! This is a safe zone for those who want to learn and continue growing as poets, as writers. I've had such an amazing experience here at writers cafe. I've been given so much to learn from and id just like to spread that!
If your interested im attaching the link to my group on my "About Me" section on my profile, due to the fact that I'm not sure if the link will show on this post you can also just copy and paste.
Let's build one another up and stop tearing each other down!
I'm looking forward to seeing you on Facebook.
Thank you in advance :)

So please feel free to pour out your heart on here, and share this group with any loved one you may think could benefit from this.

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