Role Play : Forum : Haleson High School

Re: Haleson High School

11 Years Ago

Mercedes- I was rustling through my purse when I accidentally bumped into someone. "Oops, I'm sorry." I say lookin at the kid. I'd seen him before. Dusk I think was his name.----Meadow- I had got up and was in the breakfast hall when I saw the guy from yesterday. I walk over and sit in front of him. "Hey. I've never seen you here before. Are you new?" I ask smiling. "Oh and my names Meadow."

Re: Haleson High School

11 Years Ago

Fintan: "Sure it's safe..." I say with a grin, "You might want to hold on though!" Darce: "I just transferred here," I say looking over the girl, "I'm Darce."

Re: Haleson High School

11 Years Ago

Ellie: I hold on tight so that I don't fall off or anything Dusk: I look at the girl "Sorry" I mumble "It's my fault"

Re: Haleson High School

11 Years Ago

Fintan: When we pull up it draws attention (duh...) and I swiftly park the bike, turn it off, and grin back at Ellie. She looked a little windblown so I laugh, "Enjoy the ride?" I ask

Re: Haleson High School

11 Years Ago

Meadow- "Darce huh? That's a interesting name. Where did you transfer from?" I ask----Mercedes- " No it's mine. I wasn't looking where I was going." I say as we walk up to the door. "But your Dusk right?"

Re: Haleson High School

11 Years Ago

Dusk: I look back "Ya" I half smile "Dusk Marter, and you are Mercedes right? I believe we have first period together" Ellie: Words could not even describe how I felt, I just kinda glared at him "Sure" I stick my tongue out and then smile a little before I hop off and start walking to class

Re: Haleson High School

11 Years Ago

Darce: "Me and my brother transferred from Ireland," I say finishing my food in the cafateria and standing, "I think the bell is about to ring... What's your first period?" Fintan: I snicker and jump off. Making sure that its tilted and perfectly safe I tuck the keys into my pocket and head to my first class. It was some class called Biomedical Science.

Re: Haleson High School

11 Years Ago

Mercedes- "Oh yeah we do. I knew I had seen you somewhere." I say smiling.---Meadow- "Biomedical Science." I say. "I have a sibling here too. Her name is Mercedes and she's my twin, but she's not a hero like us but human."

Re: Haleson High School

11 Years Ago

Darce: "You have Fintan in your first class," i say, "He's my twin... and that cool.Me and fintan are usually the only twins around so it'll be a nice change."

Re: Haleson High School

11 Years Ago

Ellie: I turn back to Fintan "So what class do you have first, me and a couple other kids have Bomedical Science, it's super easy, you would probably enjoy it" I smiled

Re: Haleson High School

11 Years Ago

Meadow- "That is cool. But what's your first class?"-----Mercedes- "So you live off school grounds right Dusk?"

Re: Haleson High School

11 Years Ago

Fintan: "Actually that's my first," I say with a shrug, "Idk though, seems like a smart kid class." Darce: "Aquatic Bioengineering," I say with a grin, "I like to be with my own kind."

Re: Haleson High School

11 Years Ago

Dusk: "ya it easier for me to live off campus because of my job and everything, so they let me have my own apartment down a couple blocks as long as I keep my grades up" Ellie: "That' the point" I laugh "you're in advanced placement remember?"

Re: Haleson High School

11 Years Ago

Fintan: "Yeah..." I grumble and make a face, "Woop-dee-doo" I sarcastically twirl my finger in the air and roll my eyes. I should have failed the test.

Re: Haleson High School

11 Years Ago

Ellie: I laugh "Come on you don't want to be late for class" I smile as we walk into class together

Re: Haleson High School

11 Years Ago

Fintan: I sigh, "You sound like my brother," I say

Re: Haleson High School

11 Years Ago

Ellie: "Good your brother is an intelligent and responsible young man, you should learn from him"

Re: Haleson High School

11 Years Ago

Fintan: I raise an eyebrow at her, "If you say so, oh wise one," I chuckle at my lame joke as we walk into class and I look around at my new classmates, "Interesting bunch."

Re: Haleson High School

11 Years Ago

Ellie: I glare at him "Probably better than the crowd you usually hang around"

Re: Haleson High School

11 Years Ago

Fintan: "Ouch..." I say clutching my heart, "That hurt." I then chuckle and head over to the teacher to introduce myself. I could already feel girl's eyes being drawn to me... I roll my eyes. So predictable.

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There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...
Compartment 114
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