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Re: LALALA......

12 Years Ago

agh! i hate when there's a tie in the end and me too i'm beat XP ballet takes it out of a girl especially when its in the morning -_-

Re: LALALA......

12 Years Ago

pretty good. Felt like throttling one of my "teachers" though ... Wish I could've... 
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Re: LALALA......

12 Years Ago

Originally posted by Imaginator
pretty good. Felt like throttling one of my "teachers" though ... Wish I could've... 

ha! i know the feeling but instead i just threaten

Re: LALALA......

12 Years Ago

that teacher just doesn't understand that students have a LIFE too!
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Re: LALALA......

12 Years Ago

i know!!!!!  its so annoying but then again it depends on what teacher it is and their background. my science teacher she's single right and my friend was once real mad at her and complained to me saying she should go out and get a husband!

Re: LALALA......

12 Years Ago

I'm not sure about that teacher, but he does (yeas, I know) gardening at our school. *bleh* I really don't like that class
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Re: LALALA......

12 Years Ago

what class is it? my teacher in social studies gardens and he kicks a*s! ^-^ he's sooo cool and he doesn't care when he curses when he talks...actually all my teachers do that!

Re: LALALA......

12 Years Ago

Really, my teachers have a cow whenever i curse!
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Re: LALALA......

12 Years Ago

Some of my teacher’s would never give a damn well two in particular would but they’re pretty nice teachers. In my school some don’t care :P   MR.CULP: I don’t give a s**t… MR. BRISCOE: You guys sound like crap… MRS. RUBIN: Yeah he’s kind of a jackass… MRS. PEREIRA: She’s a real b***h…

Re: LALALA......

12 Years Ago

my b-day is on the 22, august, and jordan's is on 26,august   life is good though... XD i feel dead for some reason though... XC XP

Re: LALALA......

12 Years Ago

doesn't this look like wonder woman's belt to you?: =W=
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Re: LALALA......

12 Years Ago

it does sort of that's sooo cool! :P everyone in my school are dropping like flies everyone alot of people have been sent to the nurse and ended up in the hospital due to mental and physical exhaustion....-_- my friend...i miss him :( yeah i guess they feel dead too   not when in health they were saying every 1 in 8 people in your school are depressed and the people gave examples like the genius, the dancer, the nerd, and everyone looked at me cause i fit all three categories ( its the dumb labeling junk...I HATE IT!) and i was embarrased -_- considering i was still sleepy so yeah that made things a whole lot worse >:(

Re: LALALA......

12 Years Ago

Mostly everyone in the 10th grade are getting sick and going home early/staying home. My friend Tallan call's it, "The plege". -Can't spell that.....but yeah, everyone is geting sick....
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Re: LALALA......

12 Years Ago

my exhausted friend finally returned to school! WOH! what sucks was that i was the one really worried out of all of the girls and i was going to welcome him back but there was a mob of girls who said they were worried and blah blah blah which were really straightup lies becuase as soon as they heard he was sick they didn't give a s---- and resumed their conversations so it was like i 'll say hi later...i never did i was having too much of a good say. witht he girls out of the way i was finally able to have eyes off of my classwork!! thank lordy it was a milagro!

Re: LALALA......

12 Years Ago

there are about 5 people missing from my class (we only have 15 people), and one of the people was back for 2 days, then left sick, and another was only there for a DAY! 

Re: LALALA......

12 Years Ago

i doing great i met this girl on FB, she is 29, has 4 kids, she is into anime, and has been to comicon and even dressed in cos play. perfect for someone like me. valentines gets me down but this is good thing . we are just talking right now. we seem to hit it off well... but we'll see... i have been let down before.

Re: LALALA......

12 Years Ago

Originally posted by ghostlyauthor
doesn't this look like wonder woman's belt to you?: =W=

it does lol

Re: LALALA......

12 Years Ago

what's everyone doing for the long weekend?? 

Re: LALALA......

12 Years Ago

SLEEPING YEAH!!!! oh and going to Cheesecake Factory for b day dinner with friends! plus preparing for MATSURI!

Re: LALALA......

12 Years Ago

Same here, but I think I might go to the renicance festival on monday. Oh, and watching the new Pokemon sesion! Its on today! So excited!